Churches Outnumber Pubs in the UK, RCCG now the largest Pentecostal Denomination

As Churches Outnumber Pubs in the UK, RCCG is now the largest Pentecostal Denomination.

Researcher Peter Brierley writes that “there are now more church buildings than pubs in UK, according to recent figures announced last month by the National Churches Trust.” Existing churches in UK have been joined in the last 25 years or so by others coming from West Africa, the “reverse mission” churches, like the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Potters House Christian Fellowship, Mountain of Fire Ministries, Church of Pentecost, and others.

Many of these are starting new churches. Founded in Lagos, Nigeria, the RCCG, for example, has started over 800 churches in the UK since 1993, led by a man with clear vision and effective strategy, Pastor Agu Irukwu. His 4,000- strong Church of All Nations in Brent, West London, adopted the mantra “a church within 10 minutes walking distance.” That comes straight out of the Nigerian bush country (Villages) where no one goes to church by car or taxi. It is effectively the “parish” system used by the three largest denominations, but the RCCG pursue it energetically: “You live near us, come and join us, you’ll enjoy it, we are warm and lively, and you haven’t far to go.”

Many respond; the RCCG is now the largest Pentecostal denomination in the UK. Peter Brierley runs the Brierley Consultancy, a research initiative designed to strengthen church leadership


BlessedOne said…