On Pastor Chris Oyakhilome PhD, 5G and Covid 19

On Pastor Chris Oyakhilome PhD, 5G and Covid 19

I would have remained quietly on my self-imposed hiatus from social media, but in the face of all the half-truths and outright lies being peddled, I am constrained to speak up.

At no time did Pastor Chris say COVID 19 was caused by 5G. At no time did he say 5G is the anti-christ. And he certainly did not say 5G is the mark of the beast.

Being a technology enthusiast himself, Pastor Chris has applauded the merits of 5G and its useful applications in our world. But he has also brought forth studies carried out by renowned researchers and scientists who have raised pertinent questions on the safety of the 5G technology.

He has also drawn our attention to how 5G can be used for far more sinister purposes than what is currently being touted by its proponents.

And he has done all of this with openly verifiable facts. All he has said and keeps saying is "go and do your own research" and "ask questions".

Pastor Chris' major thrust is that the proponents of the New World Order (NWO) are attempting to move ahead of their scheduled time, which should be after the rapture of the church.

Their target obviously are christians and if christians are ignorant or quiet at this time, even their very freedom can be taken away. Advanced plans are already in place in various nations and on a global scale to achieve this. A cursory search on the internet will avail you of these facts. COVID 19 is only a smokescreen to actualize this evil agenda faster.

It is interesting to note that most of those vilifying Pastor Chris have not brought forth any fact/theory to counter what he has said. Many of them have not even watched the full videos where he supplied evidence to buttress his points. Their opinions are based off the short clips (with limited information) or on hearsay from those who also watched the short clips.

This is not the time to be ignorant or naive as a Christian. There is a fierce war going on whether you know it or not. THIS IS A CALL TO WATCH AND TO PRAY.

I will conclude by saying that you are free to believe what you will. You are also free to dispute the facts. It's fine really. Just do it with some decorum devoid of bile and vitriol.

Go and watch the complete video from Pastor... Pastor is too smart to make some crazy things/words/statements flying on social media.
